This isn't perfect, of course. It's good enough to be worth doing,
but there are still some improvements that could be made if anyone
with the skills had the time:
- The HUD will be stretched somewhat. I don't know how to fix this,
but you probably won't notice it after a few minutes anyway.
- When you zoom in with the bow or your mechanical eye, you'll lose
a bit of view at the top and bottom of the screen instead of gaining
it at the left and right.
- Only the original maps are affected. Fan missions will not be.
If you want to play a fan mission in widescreen, pester its author
to release a widescreen version! (All they have to do is add a
script that runs at the start of the map that sets BaseFOV on Player
to 108.0 - that's the value for 16:10, which is what most people
will want.)
- You'll have to restart the entire game each time you want to
change FOV settings. Unless you're in the Cradle, in which case all
you have to do is enter or exit the stitch.
Comments, questions, bug reports to daremo at this domain.
Much credit goes to Paddy the Wak at
the Widescreen Gaming
Forum for coming up with the original Thief 3 widescreen
solution (steps 1-3 above).
Thanks also to EvaUnit02 at
the TTLG forums for testing the first
version of T3FovPatch and noticing that I messed up the calculations!
Copyright © 2008 daremo at mugon. Except the Thief 3
screenshots, which probably technically belong to Eidos or
someone. "Thief - Deadly Shadows" is going to be their trademark,